Voting > Voting Requirements
You Are Eligible to Vote If …
- You are a citizen of the United States.
- You will be at least 18 years old on or before the day of the general election.
- You will be a resident of Ohio for at least 30 days immediately before the election in which you want to vote.
- You are not incarcerated (in prison) for a felony conviction.
- You have not been declared incompetent for voting purposes by a probate court.
- You have not been permanently disenfranchised for violations of the election laws.
In Order to Vote, You Must Provide Valid Photo Identification
Voters must bring unexpired photo identification to the polls in order to vote a regular ballot on Election Day.
There are several types of valid photo identification.
- Ohio driver’s license;
- State of Ohio ID card;
- Interim ID form issued by the Ohio BMV;
- A US passport;
- A US passport card;
- US military ID card;
- Ohio National Guard ID card; or
- US Department of Veterans Affairs ID card (physical or digital copy)
All photo IDs must have the following:
- An expiration date that has not passed;
- A photograph of the voter;
- The voter’s name, which must substantially conform to the voter’s name as it appears in the Poll List or in the Poll Book
NOTICE: An unexpired Ohio Driver License, State ID Card, or Interim Documentation with your former address IS an ACCEPTABLE form of ID when your current address is in the pollbook.
The BMV issues Ohio Interim Documentation until the applicant receives their new ID through the mail. A driver’s license or state identification card in the old or new format, the Ohio Interim Documentation, and a voter’s old, hole-punched driver’s license or state ID card are acceptable forms of identification for voting, as long as the expiration date has not passed.
Beginning April 7th, 2023, the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles will issue Ohio State ID cards without charge to those 17 years of age or older. More information on obtaining a Ohio State ID card is available by clicking this link.
If the voter changed their name and provides proof of the legal name change, completes and signs Form 10-L, and is registered within the precinct, the voter’s name on the photo ID may be different from the voter’s reported change of name.
REMEMBER: A voter who moves within the precinct (and completes a Voter Registration Form) or provides proof of legal name change (and completes Form 10-L) votes a regular ballot.
Ohio law prohibits acceptance of the following forms of ID:
- Driver’s license or photo identification card issued by a state other than Ohio;
- Social Security card;
- Birth certificate;
- Insurance card;
- Utility bill;
- Bank statement;
- Government check;
- Paycheck;
- Other government document; or
- Any registration acknowledgment notice from the county board of elections.
If you do not have any of the above forms of identification, you may cast a provisional ballot.
If you do not provide one of the above forms of photo ID, you will still be able to vote using a provisional ballot. However, for that ballot to be counted, you must return to the board of elections no later than four days following Election Day to provide a qualifying form of identification. If you do not have a photo ID because of a religious objection to being photographed, you may complete an affidavit of religious objection and have your provisional ballot counted.
Follow this link for more information on provisional ballots.